Wednesday, 21 May 2014

How to be Happy: Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Happiness is like trying to hold water in your hand.

We spend our lives chasing things that we think will give us this happiness.

Most of the things we chase bring us happiness for a very short time.

But the process of getting them is long and does not usually make us happy.

It has been proven that humans share a constant of happiness, like an average.

It doesn’t matter what happens in your life, good or bad, eventually you will go back to that average.

This means that if you suddenly earn a lot of money your happiness will spike

But eventually over a small period of time you will plateau back to the average.

The same goes for when you experience a bad situation.

This means that we search for things that at best will provide us with happiness only for a small time.  We become addicted to getting these small pieces of happiness because they feel good, like a hit of adrenaline or a drug.

We can also decide to simplify our lives by enjoying the moment and the process and getting rid of all the things that complicate our existence.  This allows for more clarity in our worlds and allows us to focus on the things that give us happiness for more time even though they may not provide the same short fast rush.

It has been proven that objects don’t make people happy for long, when you think of your happy moments they are usually based on a situation, a time of your life, you don’t think of what you had or what you were wearing but where you were, who you were with, what you were doing.  I can assure you that your happiest times are full of simplicity.

Take time to get rid of things you don’t need, that’s a good start.  Throw them out or give them away. Focus on quality not quantity; you need to create space for happiness.

The secret of life is this my friends:

Less Of More



Carlos Camacho Psychologist