Sunday, 7 December 2014

Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Double Click On Happiness (Part 1): Carlos Camacho...

Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Double Click On Happiness (Part 1): Carlos Camacho...: The brain is like a computer: Great at processing information but not good at thinking. If you double click on Word and you want E...

Double Click On Happiness (Part 1): Carlos Camacho Psychologist

The brain is like a computer:

Great at processing information but not good at thinking.

If you double click on Word and you want Excel,

the computer won’t know you wanted Excel and will open Word.

If you tell yourself you can’t, the brain will go with that.

Whatever you put into your brain, you will get out.

Start the day with a positive thought,

your brain will believe you even if things aren’t as great as you would wish.

Say the positive thought out loud with confidence,

its like having a keyboard or a mouse for your brain.

Double click on happiness


Carlos Camacho,
