Sunday, 6 December 2015

Control Total - Carlos Camacho Psychologist/Psicólogo

La motivación es un mito inventado para justificar hacer o no hacer algo.

La motivación no existe , no es una fuerza externa que llega de vez en


es puramente interna, y tenemos control total para acceder a él siempre que queramos.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Full Control - Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Full Control - Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Motivation is a myth invented to justify doing or not doing something. Motivation doesn't exist, its not an external force that arrives ...

Full Control - Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Motivation is a myth invented to justify doing or not doing something. Motivation doesn't exist, its not an external force that arrives every now and then, it is purely internal, and we have full control to access it whenever we want.

Motivation doesn't exist,
either you do it or you don't.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist