Sunday, 7 December 2014

Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Double Click On Happiness (Part 1): Carlos Camacho...

Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Double Click On Happiness (Part 1): Carlos Camacho...: The brain is like a computer: Great at processing information but not good at thinking. If you double click on Word and you want E...

Double Click On Happiness (Part 1): Carlos Camacho Psychologist

The brain is like a computer:

Great at processing information but not good at thinking.

If you double click on Word and you want Excel,

the computer won’t know you wanted Excel and will open Word.

If you tell yourself you can’t, the brain will go with that.

Whatever you put into your brain, you will get out.

Start the day with a positive thought,

your brain will believe you even if things aren’t as great as you would wish.

Say the positive thought out loud with confidence,

its like having a keyboard or a mouse for your brain.

Double click on happiness


Carlos Camacho,


Thursday, 13 November 2014

How To Be Confident: Carlos Camacho Psychology

Nobody is born with the confident gene.

People who are confident work hard at it, like being fit or saving money.

The more you practice it the better you will be at it.

You can condition your brain to fell and be confident.

It has nothing to do with personality.

Confidence is released when you ask your brain to do it.

How do you do that? Well that’s the easy part:

You train your brain to make you look confident, just like actors do.

Now the hard part is to do it regularly enough to make it look natural.

Just like writing with your other hand, if you practice enough it will work.

Feel confident and look confident to others,

That’s all it is.

Confidence doesn’t really exist,

It’s not an external force that some are blessed to have.

You are only as confident as you make yourself.

You decide today to be timid and scared,

Or confident an courageous,

You choose.


Carlos Camacho,





Monday, 18 August 2014

How to be Happy (Part 2) Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Without a doubt the essence of life is to be happy.

Many smarter people than me tried searching for the meaning of life and none seem to have discovered it, so I am not going to try.  But what is a common thread with all beliefs is the common denominator of “happiness”.  The secret of life id to be happy.  That may sound obvious but it seems that most things around us are there to do the exact opposite.  Sure they might make our lives more comfortable but not necessarily happier.  Evolution is not necessarily in line with technological advances.  We have not caught up to the incredible advances in the last 100 years and therefore our bodies and minds are not capable of making sense of our new world.  It is obvious with the fast food epidemic, quick and fast does not always mean better.  It is important to attempt to simplify things around us, choose the things that help us progress but also reject those that serve as an obstacle to our development as individuals.  Walk more, sleep better, eat healthier and choose the people around you wisely.  Create an environment that will nurture your positive thoughts and not feed the negative ones.  Remember, the basis of the human brain is negative thought, it is there to protect us from doing things that may harm us, but they also act as the greatest obstacle in attempting new things and ultimately reaching our goals.  People that are positive work hard at it, there is no “positive gene”, just like healthy people work hard at keeping fit, feeling good and looking well.  Don’t expect things to just fall on your lap, you can’t skip effort; happiness is a daily chore that requires effort in a planned manner.  We always have a choice: exercise or watch TV? drink water or soft drink?, an apple or a Mars bar?, walk or drive to the shops? Ring a friend or upload nonsense on Facebook? negative or positive people around us? Decide to be happy; Define a plan, Do it


Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

How to be Happy: Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Happiness is like trying to hold water in your hand.

We spend our lives chasing things that we think will give us this happiness.

Most of the things we chase bring us happiness for a very short time.

But the process of getting them is long and does not usually make us happy.

It has been proven that humans share a constant of happiness, like an average.

It doesn’t matter what happens in your life, good or bad, eventually you will go back to that average.

This means that if you suddenly earn a lot of money your happiness will spike

But eventually over a small period of time you will plateau back to the average.

The same goes for when you experience a bad situation.

This means that we search for things that at best will provide us with happiness only for a small time.  We become addicted to getting these small pieces of happiness because they feel good, like a hit of adrenaline or a drug.

We can also decide to simplify our lives by enjoying the moment and the process and getting rid of all the things that complicate our existence.  This allows for more clarity in our worlds and allows us to focus on the things that give us happiness for more time even though they may not provide the same short fast rush.

It has been proven that objects don’t make people happy for long, when you think of your happy moments they are usually based on a situation, a time of your life, you don’t think of what you had or what you were wearing but where you were, who you were with, what you were doing.  I can assure you that your happiest times are full of simplicity.

Take time to get rid of things you don’t need, that’s a good start.  Throw them out or give them away. Focus on quality not quantity; you need to create space for happiness.

The secret of life is this my friends:

Less Of More



Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Toque Sus Sueños: Carlos Camacho Psychologist / Psicólogo

La mayoría de las personas abandonan sus metas cuando están cerca de alcanzarlas. Es probable que cuando una persona decide dejar de luchar, es justamente el momento en que están más cerca que nunca en llegar. Por supuesto, la gente no sabe esto, o no se darían por vencidos. Es por eso que es importante trabajar todos los días pensando que estás casi allí. Estás tan cerca que podrías tocar tu sueño de ser posible.

Recuerda que estás en el proceso de llegar,
Que nada viene sin esfuerzo
Que no se sabe cuando vas a llegar allí
Así que podría ser hoy. Y si no es hoy,
Podría ser mañana.

Carlos Camacho Psicólogo

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Create The Life You Always Wanted Through Thinking. Carlos Camacho Psychologist

The way the brain works is like this:
Thought - Emotion - Behaviour.
This is a scientific fact.
Before every emotion there is a thought.
We may not be aware of it but there always is.
Therefore, if you want to change your behaviour
and your emotion long term, you have to change your Thoughts.
In other words:
Change your Thinking!
It’s not airy fairy, it’s scientific.
It is so simple that most people refuse to believe it.
If I were to give you an elaborate plan
with hard words in it and told you it would help you
you would probably believe me.
But that’s not the case.  It is very simple.
Start with your thoughts.
Whenever you feel sad or experience a negative emotion
or display a negative behaviour, don’t ask yourself:
Why did I do that? nor Why did I feel like that?
But rather ask yourself:
What thoughts did have at the time?
literary: What was I thinking?
You will find that at the start of the negative emotion or behaviour
there was a thought, a Negative Thought.
Tag that thought as Negative and say it out loud
"That is a Negative Thought; I am not going to allow it to affect me"
Then replace it with a positive thought:
Something that is in your control.
If you get into this habit, and "tag" these thoughts
you will change your emotions and your behaviour,
and the behaviour of other towards you.
This is a fact my friends.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Monday, 10 March 2014

Start on Zero Every Day: Carlos Camacho Psychology

Set a goal and then forget about it.

Yes that’s right, forget about it.

The goal itself will not get you there.

What will get you there is:

What you do in between!

Think about the Process.

Ask yourself:

What do I have to do Today!

Then do it.

But that´s not enough.

Do not rest on your laurels.

One day isn´t enough.

You then have to plan for tomorrow

Because what you did yesterday

Does Not Mean Anything!

It may if you don´t have a goal to achieve

Or if you are looking for a quick boost.

Put it this way:

If you have 100 days to save 1000 dollars

And you can only save 10 dollars a day

Then tomorrow you have to save 10 dollars

Even if you already have saved today.

Or else after 100 days you will not have the full amount.

Enjoy your day, appreciate what you have

And find time to help others,

But do not rest until you have got to where you want to be,

The place you feel you should be.

Plan for Tomorrow Today; feel proud of what you have achieved Today

but hate being on Zero, because that is what you will be on Tomorrow.

You get up, with your plan already written

and you start the grind and get the things done that you need to Today

Concentrate on the Process that is the only thing that counts.

Do it every day.

Do it rain or shine.

Do it when nobody is watching.

Remind yourself you are on Zero

Hate Zero.


Carlos Camacho Psychologist


Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Set Yourself up for Success: Camacho Psychology

Humans have the capacity to reason

and we have the capacity to understand the concept of time.

This means that we can think about the future in a way that other living creatures can’t.

It also means that we often put things off for later

and we bypass the present, something that other animals don’t do often.

This concept, together with the knowledge that death is immanent

creates what some philosophers call "existential angst" or simply Anxiety.

I would recommend setting goals and then reminding yourself of them

but more importantly is to plan for the things you are doing Today.

Ask yourself:

To get to that goal in 6 months, what do I have to do Today?

What do I have to do this hour?

Think about the process because the goal is already there in the future.

Hoping won’t get you there, hard work and effort, every day is the only way.

Set realistic goals.

Set yourself up for Success.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Saturday, 1 March 2014

60 Seconds of Positivity: Confidence Part 1 Carlos Camacho Psychology

Many people erroneously believe that Confidence is something people are born with.
They mistakenly believe that people who are confident are lucky to have The Confidence Gene.
This of course is not true, its actually the opposite.
Confidence like every other skill is learned.
People decide a goal, then they define their plan and then they practice it.
Whether its kicking a ball, running a business, writing a blog or simply confidence building.
These 3 steps cannot be avoided, especially the practicing or the Doing part of it.
Confident people are not actually confident, they pretend to be confident.
They take up a role, or a character, a confident character and they perform the task.
I can assure you that as they are performing they experience the same fears that others do,
but they have convinced themselves, starting with their brain, that they are confident
and therefore their brain allows the process to continue as opposed to releasing anxiety.
It is the anxiety that makes you look and feel not confident, insecure and uncertain.
If you can convince the brain to not  release anxiety you will be half there.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Friday, 14 February 2014

Saint Valentin peut être solitaire: Confiance Ateliers pour les hommes. Carlos Camacho Psychologue

Nous courons Ateliers de confiance pour les hommes en mettant l'accent sur ​​les relations et le renforcement de la confiance approcher et parler aux femmes. Si vous connaissez quelqu'un qui peut bénéficier de cette écriture pour nous et nous allons vous envoyer des informations.
Carlos Camacho Psychologue

عيد الحب يمكن أن يكون وحيدا: الثقة ورشات عمل للرجال. كارلوس كاماتشو نفساني

 نحن تشغيل ورش الثقة للرجال مع التركيز على العلاقات وبناء الثقة ويقترب الكلام مع النساء. إذا كنت تعرف شخص يمكن أن تستفيد من هذه الكتابة لنا وسوف نرسل لك المعلومات.
كارلوس كاماتشو نفساني

Día de San Valentín puede Ser Solitario: Talleres de Confianza para Hombres. Carlos Camacho Psychologist / Psicólogo

Estamos formando Talleres de Confianza para Hombres.  Estos se centran en las relaciones amorosas y el fomento de la confianza para encarar y hablar con mujeres. Si conoces a alguien que puede beneficiarse de este taller practico, contactenos y le enviaremos información.
Carlos Camacho Psycholgist / Psicólogo

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Valentines Day Can Be Lonely: Confidence Workshops for Men. Carlos Camacho Psychologist

We are running Confidence Workshops for Men focusing on relationships and confidence building approaching and talking to women.  If you know someone that can benefit from this write to us and we will send you information.
Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Monday, 10 February 2014

Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Fracasar para Triunfar: Carlos Camacho Psychologis...

Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Fracasar para Triunfar: Carlos Camacho Psychologis...: Fracasar es una parte del éxito. Las personas exitosas en cualquier área de la vida han fracas ado y   cometido errores . Como cuest...

Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Fail to Succeed: Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Fail to Succeed: Carlos Camacho Psychologist: Failing is a part of succeeding. Successful people in any area of life have failed, made mistakes and errors. As a matter of fact, they ha...

Fracasar para Triunfar: Carlos Camacho Psychologist / Psicólogo

Fracasar es una parte del éxito.

Las personas exitosas en cualquier área de la vida han fracas ado y cometido errores.

Como cuestión de hecho, han fallado mucho más de lo que han tenido éxito.

La diferencia entre una persona exitosa y una que no lo es, es en la perseverancia.

Tener una meta, pero hay que concentrarse en el proceso,

 fallar es una oportunidad de aprendizaje.

No se dé por vencido. Sólo las personas que no intentan o renuncian son los que fracasarán.

Si usted no quiere fallar, no intente nada,

pero si llega a conquistar el miedo al fracas ya ha tenido éxito

es sólo una cuestión de tiempo.

El mundo es suyo.

Carlos Camacho

Psychologist / Psicólogo

Fail to Succeed: Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Failing is a part of succeeding.
Successful people in any area of life have failed, made mistakes and errors.
As a matter of fact, they have failed much more than they have succeeded.
The difference between a successful person and one that is not is in Perseverance.
Have a goal, but concentrate on the process,
if you fail you look at it as a learning opportunity.
You do not give up.  Only people that don't try give up
and only people that DO will fail.
If you don't want to fail, don't try anything,
but if you conquer the fear of failure you have already succeeded
its just a matter of time.
The World Is Yours.

Carlos Camacho

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Decidir Definir Dale: El Secreto del Exito Carlos Camacho Psicólogo

3 pasos para el éxito:

1 Decidir

Asegúrese de Decidir lo que quieres hacer.

Una vez hecho esto, hará el resto más fácil.

Decidir es convencerse a sí mismo ya su cerebro que está hecho!

2 Definir

Establecer un plan simple y claro de cómo va a lograr su objetivo.

Tiene que ser por escrito y verificado todos los días.

Mantengalo con usted todo el tiempo.

3 Dale

Suena lógico, pero muchas personas se olvidan de hacerlo.

Una vez que haya pasado por los dos primeros pasos, haciendolo debe venir natural.

Entrá en foco desde que te despiertas y hacer lo que tenga que haver sin pensar.

Así es como se logra.  Moliendo todos los segundos del dia.

Carlos Camacho Psicólogo

Decide Define Do: The Secret to Success. Carlos Camacho Psychologist

3 Steps to Success:
1 Decide
Make sure you deicide what you want to do.
Once you have done this, it will make the rest easier.
Deciding means convincing yourself and your brain that its done!
2 Define
Set out a clear simple plan of how you are going to achieve your goal.
It needs to be written down and verified every day.
Keep it with you all the time.
3 Do
Sounds logical but many people forget to just do it.
Once you have gone through the first two steps, Doing it should come natural.
Get in the zone from when you wake up and Do it without thinking.
That's how achieving is done. Grind your way through.
Carlos Camacho Psychologist