Thursday, 20 March 2014

Create The Life You Always Wanted Through Thinking. Carlos Camacho Psychologist

The way the brain works is like this:
Thought - Emotion - Behaviour.
This is a scientific fact.
Before every emotion there is a thought.
We may not be aware of it but there always is.
Therefore, if you want to change your behaviour
and your emotion long term, you have to change your Thoughts.
In other words:
Change your Thinking!
It’s not airy fairy, it’s scientific.
It is so simple that most people refuse to believe it.
If I were to give you an elaborate plan
with hard words in it and told you it would help you
you would probably believe me.
But that’s not the case.  It is very simple.
Start with your thoughts.
Whenever you feel sad or experience a negative emotion
or display a negative behaviour, don’t ask yourself:
Why did I do that? nor Why did I feel like that?
But rather ask yourself:
What thoughts did have at the time?
literary: What was I thinking?
You will find that at the start of the negative emotion or behaviour
there was a thought, a Negative Thought.
Tag that thought as Negative and say it out loud
"That is a Negative Thought; I am not going to allow it to affect me"
Then replace it with a positive thought:
Something that is in your control.
If you get into this habit, and "tag" these thoughts
you will change your emotions and your behaviour,
and the behaviour of other towards you.
This is a fact my friends.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

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