Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Set Yourself up for Success: Camacho Psychology

Humans have the capacity to reason

and we have the capacity to understand the concept of time.

This means that we can think about the future in a way that other living creatures can’t.

It also means that we often put things off for later

and we bypass the present, something that other animals don’t do often.

This concept, together with the knowledge that death is immanent

creates what some philosophers call "existential angst" or simply Anxiety.

I would recommend setting goals and then reminding yourself of them

but more importantly is to plan for the things you are doing Today.

Ask yourself:

To get to that goal in 6 months, what do I have to do Today?

What do I have to do this hour?

Think about the process because the goal is already there in the future.

Hoping won’t get you there, hard work and effort, every day is the only way.

Set realistic goals.

Set yourself up for Success.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

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