Thursday, 20 March 2014

Create The Life You Always Wanted Through Thinking. Carlos Camacho Psychologist

The way the brain works is like this:
Thought - Emotion - Behaviour.
This is a scientific fact.
Before every emotion there is a thought.
We may not be aware of it but there always is.
Therefore, if you want to change your behaviour
and your emotion long term, you have to change your Thoughts.
In other words:
Change your Thinking!
It’s not airy fairy, it’s scientific.
It is so simple that most people refuse to believe it.
If I were to give you an elaborate plan
with hard words in it and told you it would help you
you would probably believe me.
But that’s not the case.  It is very simple.
Start with your thoughts.
Whenever you feel sad or experience a negative emotion
or display a negative behaviour, don’t ask yourself:
Why did I do that? nor Why did I feel like that?
But rather ask yourself:
What thoughts did have at the time?
literary: What was I thinking?
You will find that at the start of the negative emotion or behaviour
there was a thought, a Negative Thought.
Tag that thought as Negative and say it out loud
"That is a Negative Thought; I am not going to allow it to affect me"
Then replace it with a positive thought:
Something that is in your control.
If you get into this habit, and "tag" these thoughts
you will change your emotions and your behaviour,
and the behaviour of other towards you.
This is a fact my friends.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Monday, 10 March 2014

Start on Zero Every Day: Carlos Camacho Psychology

Set a goal and then forget about it.

Yes that’s right, forget about it.

The goal itself will not get you there.

What will get you there is:

What you do in between!

Think about the Process.

Ask yourself:

What do I have to do Today!

Then do it.

But that´s not enough.

Do not rest on your laurels.

One day isn´t enough.

You then have to plan for tomorrow

Because what you did yesterday

Does Not Mean Anything!

It may if you don´t have a goal to achieve

Or if you are looking for a quick boost.

Put it this way:

If you have 100 days to save 1000 dollars

And you can only save 10 dollars a day

Then tomorrow you have to save 10 dollars

Even if you already have saved today.

Or else after 100 days you will not have the full amount.

Enjoy your day, appreciate what you have

And find time to help others,

But do not rest until you have got to where you want to be,

The place you feel you should be.

Plan for Tomorrow Today; feel proud of what you have achieved Today

but hate being on Zero, because that is what you will be on Tomorrow.

You get up, with your plan already written

and you start the grind and get the things done that you need to Today

Concentrate on the Process that is the only thing that counts.

Do it every day.

Do it rain or shine.

Do it when nobody is watching.

Remind yourself you are on Zero

Hate Zero.


Carlos Camacho Psychologist


Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Set Yourself up for Success: Camacho Psychology

Humans have the capacity to reason

and we have the capacity to understand the concept of time.

This means that we can think about the future in a way that other living creatures can’t.

It also means that we often put things off for later

and we bypass the present, something that other animals don’t do often.

This concept, together with the knowledge that death is immanent

creates what some philosophers call "existential angst" or simply Anxiety.

I would recommend setting goals and then reminding yourself of them

but more importantly is to plan for the things you are doing Today.

Ask yourself:

To get to that goal in 6 months, what do I have to do Today?

What do I have to do this hour?

Think about the process because the goal is already there in the future.

Hoping won’t get you there, hard work and effort, every day is the only way.

Set realistic goals.

Set yourself up for Success.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist

Saturday, 1 March 2014

60 Seconds of Positivity: Confidence Part 1 Carlos Camacho Psychology

Many people erroneously believe that Confidence is something people are born with.
They mistakenly believe that people who are confident are lucky to have The Confidence Gene.
This of course is not true, its actually the opposite.
Confidence like every other skill is learned.
People decide a goal, then they define their plan and then they practice it.
Whether its kicking a ball, running a business, writing a blog or simply confidence building.
These 3 steps cannot be avoided, especially the practicing or the Doing part of it.
Confident people are not actually confident, they pretend to be confident.
They take up a role, or a character, a confident character and they perform the task.
I can assure you that as they are performing they experience the same fears that others do,
but they have convinced themselves, starting with their brain, that they are confident
and therefore their brain allows the process to continue as opposed to releasing anxiety.
It is the anxiety that makes you look and feel not confident, insecure and uncertain.
If you can convince the brain to not  release anxiety you will be half there.

Carlos Camacho Psychologist